Friday, May 15, 2009

Wonderful Gurls night out!!

Wow, yesterday was really an unforgettable girls night out, thanks to ms nicole/ ms xerox/ ah ling!

I really miss the gurls time that we spent together, all the crazy laughters.. pervert jokes.. laugh til our ass caught on fire... jaws falling out.. Sharing our insane idea about life experiences, gepohing about all biggest to the smallest beings on the planet. Like a herd/bunch of hens kokoking around..

and Chad, we are nurturing you to be the best womanizer in the world! When that day come, don't forget about this herd of nurturers.


cklim said...

wow, tian chad so nice, got many ppl nurture him..haha

MsXeRoZ Nicole said...

Sounds weird..

As though that we have to breastfeed him leh =x..

I think we should change the name nurturer to babysitters

cklim said...

Haha, i dun hv this intention ya, nvm la..become his caretakers lol..
